Ceyla is a double major undergraduate in Istanbul Bilgi University. Her study fields are Visual Communication Design, and Television Reporting and Programming. She had studied "Module of Communication Management" in Artevelde University College, Belgium with Erasmus+ Programme in 2016. She specializes in digital production, post production. She worked on editing, documentary production, stop motion, branding design, 3D modeling, typography, advance photography, videography, script writing, journalism/reporting, tv news writing, studio production (for television) areas.
She's a Laureate International Universities certificated presenter.
Dilara is an undergraduate student in Istanbul Bilgi University. She's currently on her last semester of her bachelor degree on Television Reporting and Programming. Through her four year study she's focused on visual content making. She had studied in Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with Erasmus+ Program for two semesters in 2015-2016 academic year. In Amsterdam Dilara participated to International Journalism and Global Trendwatching programs and had the chance to improve her visual content producing skills for both print and digital media in an international environment.